Jumat, 26 November 2021
The ZN414 is a low cost, single-chip AM radio integrated circuit. Launched in 1972, the part was designed and supplied by Ferranti, but was also available from GEC-Plessey. The ZN414 was popular amongst hobbyists as a fully working AM radio could be made with just a few external components, a crystal earpiece and a 1.5 V cell.
The original ZN414 chip from Ferranti was supplied in a 3-pin, metal TO-18 'transistor' package whereas the GEC part and later Ferranti ones (ZN414Z) used the plastic TO-92 encapsulation. Later variants, the ZN415 and ZN416, came in 8-pin DIL packages and included a built-in amplifier that could drive headphones and small speakers directly.
The radio circuit inside the ZN414 is based on a design known as Tuned Radio Frequency (TRF). The TRF design is much simpler than the popular, but more complex, superheterodyne radio circuit often used in modern AM receivers. It is principally the use of the TRF circuit that allows almost a whole radio to be fitted into one small, three pin package.
The manufacturing process for the ZN414 chip used a relatively new (for the time) technique known as Collector Diffusion Isolation (CDI). CDI was invented by engineers at Bell Telephone Laboratories and subsequently developed into a commercial process by Ferranti in the UK.[1]
The original ZN41x family have not been manufactured for some time, but modern equivalents to the original 3-pin ZN414 are available, with part codes of MK484, TA7642 (different connections) and (mainly in India, the Far East & Australasia) YS414 and LMF501T. Note that on the YS414 part, pins 1 (output) and 3 (ground/earth) are transposed. Currently (2017) only the TA7642 is manufactured and is used in some AM/FM radios that use the 70 kHz IF single chip VHF-FM IC.
The upper limit of operation is about 3 MHz, so it's not suitable for a shortwave radio. However it can be used as an IF amp. The high input impedance means a valve (tube) radio IFT (IF transformer) is much more suitable than a ceramic filter or transistor IFT. Many designs using an SA612 as local oscillator / mixer and the ZN414 / TA7642 have been published on the Internet. AGC is applied by the resistor from the output to the "earthy" end of the input coil. Basic gain is set by the load resistor. The current consumption is so low that a 1.8 V red LED (not the 2.2 V high efficiency types) can be used as a shunt regulator from 3 V batteries or a 5 V supply.
Kamis, 25 November 2021
01. Create plan to move Server & then inform to owner until get the agreement.
Dear All,
Information Department System (Maintenance) Notice : planned
Description 狀況說明. | Move server guest to another host | |
System Name系統(線路)名稱 . | ||
Influence time 影響時間 . | 2021/11/13 12.30 (+7) | |
Expected recovery time 預計恢復時間 . | 2021/11/13 16:30 (+7) | |
Area of influence 影響地區 . | Indonesia Area (ID) | |
Scope of influence 影響範圍 . | ||
Contact / 聯絡資訊. | Aldi / Budi – 7274 | |
Note / 備註. | Server will be shutdown during operation |
Thank you
IT Infra PCI-Serang, PT. Nikomas Gemilang
印尼行政中心 Pusat Office, Serang.
☎ 120-7274
02. Sending Email Mandatory H-4 unless urgent.
03. Open the VM Center app. (5.206 & 5.12)
04.Open IP server by ssh and Login, Always used root account.
05. Tulis ps aux ; // untuk melihat db yang sedang berjalan.
06. If the server being moved is a database, then we must turn off the database service first.
07. Write su - account; // untuk masuk ke account db yang kita gunakan contoh account
08. Write su - oracle ; // untuk masuk ke account db yang kita gunakan contoh oracle
09. Write su - drsamin ; // untuk masuk ke account db yang kita gunakan contoh drsadmin
10.Write export ORACLE_SID=DBname ;
// ini digunakan jika database lebih dari (1).
// ganti DBname dengan nama db yang ada (saat ps aux).
11. Write sqlplus /nolog; // untuk masuk ke db
12. Write connect /as sysdba //
13. Write shutdown immediate // untuk mematikan service db
14. Write exit // untuk keluar
15. Login to Server (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
16. Always used super user (root account) .
17. Write shutdown -h
18. Write shutdown -h now // jika terjadi masalah
19. Wait until server off.
20. After the guest server shutdown, open the vm vcenter application
21. Choose Convert machine
22. Enter the IP VM host source using the root account
23. Select the server to be moved
24. Enter the destination host IP (after next to finish)
25. Wait until Finish (100%)
26. Power on guest server on new Host
27. Make sure the Network connection is the same (eg Vlan 5, use Vlan 5 network
28. The method right click on the name servers, select settings
29. Turn On via VM .
30. Choose The Server
31. Right click
32. Choose Power On
33. (vi / cd) /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
33. Write su - oracle; //
34. Write sqlplus /nolog; //
35. Write SQL > connect /as sysdba; //
36. Write startup //
37. Write exit //
38. Write lsnrctl start //
39. Write lsnrctl status // status check
40. Write //
Sabtu, 20 November 2021
1. Enter to IP on Server Host.
3. Select OVF & VMDK files & Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file .
4. (1) Enter name virtual machine. (2) Include OVE & VMDK.
5. Select datastore1.
6. (1) Select VLAN as you need. (2) Select Thin. (3) unchecklist.
4. Finish.
5. Check virtual machine Edit - > Setting.
6. Check Old disk Capasity from Host
7. Set Memory & Disk as similar Old Server, Save.
8. Setting Linux Ubuntu after Deploy
9. Enter to root "sudo su"
Password = *
Write "cd /etc/netplan"
Write "ll" - fungsi untuk melihat isi folder
Write "vi 00"
Push "Tab"
Displ "vi 00-installer-config.yaml "
Push "enter"
# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'
addresses: -
version: 2
noted :
untuk edit di dalam file (vi)
i = untuk edit
esc + : wq (write & quit )
esc + : q (quit)
Setting IP as we need.
Sudo netplan apply
10. Change Hostname
vi /etc/hostname
11. Change sysadmin password
passwd sysadmin **********
12. Create an account for user
adduser username
(input password) v*$(5Z4SCPhaqh*
12. Delete en account for user
deluser username
(input password) v*$(5Z4SCPhaqh*
13. Give permission account admin
vi /etc/group
input account "drsadmin" ke sudo group
14. Set Time Zone :
Set Time Zone from Asia/Taipei (CST, +08.00) to Asia/Jakarta (WIB, +07.00).
timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Jakarta
noted :
untuk edit di dalam file (vi)
i = untuk edit
esc + : wq (write & quit )
esc + : q (quit)